Apache Oozie CLI tool is used to manage and run Oozie workflow jobs. Internally it uses Oozie’s web service API to achieve that. The CLI is present on the Oozie client node, which is also the Hadoop edge node with access to all the Hadoop ecosystem CLI clients and tools such as Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, and others. The Apache Oozie client interacts with the Oozie server and the Oozie server does the coordination work with the Hadoop cluster.

Apache Oozie Job Operations Command

The following are the list of commands which are used to perform operations on Workflow, Coordinator, or Bundle Job such as start, submit, run, and so on.

Commands Description
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -config job.properties -submit job: 14-20090525161321-oozie-joe Using this command, the Workflow, Bundle Job, and Coordinator are submitted for execution.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -start 14-20090525161321-oozie-joe This command is used to start a previously submitted workflow job, coordinator job, or bundle job that is in PREP status.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -config job.properties -run job: 15-20090525161321-oozie-joe This command is used to run a Workflow, Coordinator, or Bundle Job.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -suspend 14-2009052543342-oozie-joe The suspend option is used to suspend a running job.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -resume 14-2009052345432-oozie-joe The resume option resumes a workflow job and starts running it that is in SUSPENDED status.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -kill 12-27650525123432-oozie-joe Using the Kill option a job is terminated.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -config job.properties -rerun 14-2009052545434-oozie-joe Using the rerun option the jobs which are already completed, failed to kill would be started.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -info 14-2009052543234-oozie-joe It will show the information of Coordinator, Workflow, and bundle or Coordinator Action.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -definition 14-20090545345-oozie-joe This command is used to check the XML definition of a Workflow, Coordinator, or Bundle Job.
$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -log 14-20090525132345-oozie-joe This command is used to check the server logs of a Workflow, Coordinator, or Bundle Job.