Apache Drill provides supports the following list of math functions to perform the mathematical operation. We can supply and use these functions in the query and get meaningful records.
Apache Drill Math Functions
The Apache Drill Math Function and their description are as below.
Drill Match Function | Return Type | Description |
ABS(a) | Same as input | This function will return an absolute value based on the argument given through input. |
CBRT(a) | FLOAT8 | This function will return the cubic root of a. |
CEIL(a) | Same as input | This function will return the smallest integer which is not less than the value a. |
CEILING(a) | Same as input | The Function works similarly to the CEIL function. |
DEGREES(a) | FLOAT8 | The Function will convert the radians to degrees. |
E() | FLOAT8 | The Function will return the 2.718281828459045 value. |
EXP(a) | FLOAT8 | The Function will return the Euler’s number to the power of a. |
FLOOR(a) | Same as input | The function will return the largest integer which is less than the a. |
LOG(a) | FLOAT8 | The function will return the natural log (base e) of a. |
LOG(a, b) | FLOAT8 | The function will return log base a to the b power. |
LOG10(a) | FLOAT8 | The function will return the common log of a. |
LSHIFT(a, b) | Same as input | This function will shift the a by b to the left. |
MOD(a, b) | FLOAT8 | This function will return the remainder of a divided by b. |
NEGATIVE(a) | Same as input | This function will return a negative number as a. |
PI | FLOAT8 | This function will return the PI. |
POW(a, b) | FLOAT8 | This function will return the value of a to power b. |
RADIANS(a) | FLOAT8 | This function will convert the degree to radians. |
RAND | FLOAT8 | This function will return the random number that is between 0 to 1. |
ROUND(a) | Same as input | This function will return the rounds of the nearest integer. |
ROUND(a, b) | DECIMAL | This function will return operate by rounding the a to b decimal places. |
RSHIFT(a, b) | Same as input | This function will shift the a by b time on the right side. |
SIGN(a) | INT | This function will return the sign of a. |
SQRT(a) | Same as input | This function will return the square root of a. |
TRUNC(a, b) | DOUBLE | This function will truncate the a to b decimal places. |
Apache Drill Math Function Examples
Let us see some of the examples of Apache Drill match functions.
We will start the Apache Drill in an Embedded mode using the below command.
cloudduggu@ubuntu:~/drill$ ./bin/drill-embeddedApache Drill SQRT Function Examples
The below SQRT function will return the square root of 2.
apache drill> SELECT SQRT(2);Output:

Apache Drill LOG Function Examples
The below log function will return the 2 logs of 80.
apache drill> SELECT LOG(2, 80) FROM (VALUES(1));Output:

Apache Drill LOG10 Function Examples
The below log10 function will return the common logs of 150.
apache drill> SELECT LOG10(150) FROM (VALUES(1));Output: