PostgreSQL provides a variety of Data Types such as Numeric Types, Character Types, Date/Time Types, Boolean Types, and many more, which are used to store various types of user data. User can create their custom data types using the CREATE TYPE SQL. Defining the correct Data types provides several benefits such as operations on the same data types providing the best performance, the correct usage of data types providing the proper validation of data, and rejecting the unnecessary data, the storage can be utilized properly if we define the correct format of Data Types which results in the best performance.

The following is the list of Data Types which are supported in PostgreSQL.

Let's explore the PostgreSQL Data Types in the below section.

Numeric Data Types

The PostgreSQL Numeric Data Types stores the two-byte, four-byte, and eight-byte integers and it stores the four-byte and eight-byte floating-point numbers and the selectable-precision decimals.

Data Type Name Data Type Storage Size Data Type Description Data Type Range
smallint 2 bytes small-range integer From -32768 to +32767
integer 4 bytes typical choice for integer From -2147483648 to +2147483647
bigint 8 bytes large-range integer From -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807
decimal variable user-specified precision, exact up to 131072 digits before the decimal point; up to 16383 digits after the decimal point
numeric variable user-specified precision, exact up to 131072 digits before the decimal point; up to 16383 digits after the decimal point
real 4 bytes variable-precision, inexact 6 decimal digits precision
double precision 8 bytes variable-precision, inexact 15 decimal digits precision
smallserial 2 bytes small autoincrementing integer From 1 to 32767
serial 4 bytes autoincrementing integer From 1 to 2147483647
bigserial 8 bytes large autoincrementing integer From 1 to 9223372036854775807

Monetary Data Types

The PostgreSQL Monetary Data Types stores the currency information in a fixed fractional precision. The casting of numeric, int, and bigint data types can be done in the money data type. Due to its routing error, it is not recommended to use the Floating point numbers for handling the money.

Data Type Name Data Type Storage Size Data Type Description Data Type Range
money 8 bytes currency amount From -92233720368547758.08 to +92233720368547758.07

Character Data Types

The PostgreSQL Character Data Types stores character string.

Data Type Name Data Type Description
character varying(n), varchar(n) It has the variable-length with limit
character(n), char(n) It has the fixed-length and blank padded
text It has the variable unlimited length

Binary Data Types

The PostgreSQL Binary bytea Data Types stores the binary string.

Data Type Name Data Type Description
bytea It stores 1 or 4 bytes along with actual and variable binary strings.

Date/Time Data Types

The PostgreSQL Date/Time Data Types stores the full set of date and time values. The Date is considered based on the Gregorian calendar.

Data Type Name Data Type Storage Size Data Type Description Data Type Low Value Data Type High Value
timestamp [ (p) ] [ without time zone ] 8 bytes It can store both date and time (no time zone) 4713 BC 294276 AD
timestamp [ (p) ] with time zone 8 bytes It can store both date and time, with time zone 4713 BC 294276 AD
date 4 bytes It stores date (no time of day) 4713 BC 5874897 AD
time [ (p) ] [ without time zone ] 8 bytes It stores time of day (no date) 00:00:00 24:00:00
time [ (p) ] with time zone 12 bytes It stores the time of day (no date), with time zone 00:00:00+1559 24:00:00-1559
interval [ fields ] [ (p) ] 16 bytes It stores the time interval -178000000 years 178000000 years

Boolean Data Types

The PostgreSQL Boolean Data Types store the True and false values. The Third state of Boolean Data Type is unknown that is represented as a Null value.

Data Type Name Data Type Storage Size Data Type Description
boolean 1 byte The status will be True or False.

Enumerated Data Types

The PostgreSQL Enumerated Data Types stores the static ordered set of values and is similar to enum types of other programming languages such as days of the week.

Enumerated Data Types are created using the CREATE TYPE command as mentioned in the below example.

   postgres=# CREATE TYPE weekname AS ENUM ('Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday');

Geometric Data Types

The PostgreSQL Geometric Data Types is the representation of two-dimensional spatial objects. The basic types are Points, Lines, Boxes, Paths, Circles, and Polygons.

Data Type Name Data Type Storage Size Data Type Representation Data Type Description
point 16 bytes It represents the Point on a plane (a,b)
line 32 bytes It represents the Infinite line (not fully implemented) ((a1,b1),(a2,b2))
lseg 32 bytes It represents the Finite line segment ((a1,b1),(a2,b2))
box 32 bytes It represents the Rectangular box ((a1,b1),(a2,b2))
path 16+16n bytes It represents the Closed path (similar to polygon) ((a1,b1),...)
path 16+16n bytes It represents the Open path [(a1,b1),...]
polygon 40+16n It represents the Polygon (similar to closed path) ((a1,b1),...)
circle 24 bytes It represents the Circle <(a,b),r> (center point and radius)

Network Address Data Types

The PostgreSQL Network Address Data Types stores the information about the IPv4, IPv6, and MAC addresses. This data type is better if we compare it with the plain text type because it provides input error checking, functions, and specialized operators.

Data Type Name Data Type Storage Size Data Type Description
cidr 7 or 19 bytes IPv4 and IPv6 networks
inet 7 or 19 bytes IPv4 and IPv6 hosts and networks
macaddr 6 bytes MAC addresses
macaddr8 8 bytes MAC addresses (EUI-64 format)

Bit String Data Types

The PostgreSQL Bit String Data Types stores the bit masks values that contain two values 1 or 0. It has two-bit types bit(n) and bit varying(n) where n represents the positive integer.

Text Search Data Types

The PostgreSQL Text Search Data Types provides two data types tsvector and tsquery to perform text search operations through the natural-language documents. The tsquery represents the query and the tsvector represents the optimized documents for text searching.

UUID Data Types

The PostgreSQL UUID Data Types also refers to the Universally Unique Identifiers are defined by the RFC 4122, ISO/IEC 9834-8:2005 and a sequence of lower-case hexadecimal digits that are separated by hyphens and a group of 8 digits and same is followed by three groups of 4 digits again followed by a group of 12 digits, so the for a total of 32 digits representing the 128 bits.

The example of UUID is b0ebc99-9c0b-4ef7-bc7d-7bb9bd370a21.

XML Data Types

The PostgreSQL XML Data Types are used to store the XML data. The advantage of storing XML data over text files is that input values are checked for well-formedness and there are support functions to perform the type-safe operation.

XMLPARSE (DOCUMENT '<?xml version="1.0"?> <Cloudduggu tutorial> <title>Cloudduggu PostgreSQL Tutorial </title> <topics>...</topics> </tutorial>' ) XMLPARSE (CONTENT 'xyz <foo>bar</foo> <bar>foo</bar> ')

JSON Data Types

The PostgreSQL JSON Data Types also refers as the JavaScript Object Notation are used to store the JSON data types. We can store such data in text format as well but using JSON data type provides the advantage of checking whether each value is valid or not. The PostgreSQL supported functions are used to handle the JSON Data.

The example of PostgreSQL JSON Data Types is as below.

JSON Data Type Example JSON Data Type Output
to_json('Mohan said "Hello."'::text) "Mohan said \"Hello.\""

Arrays Data Types

The example of PostgreSQL Arrays Data Types is used to define a column in a variable-length multidimensional array. We can create an Array of the user-defined base types, composite types, and range types.

In the following section, we will create a table named Emp_salary and define the quarterly_pay and Item columns as an Array. An Array is defined using the square brackets[]. Once the table is created we will insert a couple of records and fetch the data to see array data.


   postgres=# CREATE TABLE Emp_salary (name text,quarterly_pay integer[],Item text[][]);

   postgres=# INSERT INTO Emp_salary VALUES ('Mohan','{20000, 30000, 40000, 50000}','{{"Dinner", "meeting"}, {"training", "Lunch"}}');

   postgres=# INSERT INTO Emp_salary VALUES ('Ram','{50000, 22000, 35000, 65000}','{{"Lunch", "consulting"}, {"meeting", "Dinner"}}');

   postgres=# SELECT * FROM Emp_salary;


postgresql array data type

Composite Data Types

The PostgreSQL Composite Data Types stores the list of fields name and the data types of fields.

In the following example, we will declare a Composite Data Type named inve_item using the CREATE TYPE command and use that in another table named inv_data.


   postgres=# CREATE TYPE inve_item AS (name text,supplier_id integer,price numeric);

   postgres=# CREATE TABLE inv_data (item_details inve_item,count integer);

   postgres=# INSERT INTO inv_data VALUES (ROW('suger', 100, 150), 200);

   postgres=# SELECT * from inv_data;


postgresql type command

Range Data Types

The PostgreSQL Range Data Types are used to store the range of data such as integer data starting from 1 to 10.

The following are the build-in range functions that are available.

Range Data Type JData Type Description
int4range  Range of integer
int8range Range of bigint
numrange Range of numeric
tsrange  Range of timestamp without time zone
tstzrange Range of timestamp with time zone
daterange Range of date

Domain Data Types

The PostgreSQL Domain Data Types is the user-defined data type that works as constraints so that valid values can be inserted.

In the following example, we will create a Domain Data Type named posint_domain using the CREATE DOMAIN command and use it in a table named my_table.


   postgres=# CREATE DOMAIN posint_domain AS integer CHECK (VALUE > 0);

   postgres=# CREATE TABLE my_table (id_name posint_domain);

   postgres=# INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(1); This command will work.

   postgres=# CREATE DOMAIN posint_domain AS integer CHECK (VALUE > 0);This command will fail.


postgresql domain data type command

Object Identifier Data Types

The PostgreSQL Object Identifier Data Types is used to store the primary keys of system tables. It is basically used by PostgreSQL internally.

Data Type Name References Data Type Description Example
oid any It is the numeric object identifier 564182
regproc pg_proc It is the function name sum
regprocedure pg_proc It is the function with argument types sum(int4)
regoper pg_operator It is the operator name +
regoperator pg_operator It is the operator with argument types *(integer,integer) or -(NONE,integer)
regclass pg_class It is the relation name pg_type
regtype pg_type It is the data type name integer
regconfig pg_ts_config It is the text search configuration English
regdictionary pg_ts_dict It is the text search dictionary simple

pg_lsn Data Types

The PostgreSQL pg_lsn Data Types stores the log sequence number also called LSN that indicates the location of the WAL file. It is an internal system data type of PostgreSQL.

Pseudo Data Types

The PostgreSQL Pseudo Data Types is used to declare the function argument or the result type. It can't be used as a column data type.

Name Description
any Using this a function can accept any input data type.
anyarray Using this a function can accept any array data type.
anyelement Using this a function can accept any data type.
anyenum Using this a function can accept any enum data type.
anynonarray Using this a function can accept any non-array data type.
anyrange Using this a function can accept any range data type.
cstring Using this a function can accept or returns a null-terminated C string.
fdw_handler This indicates that a foreign-data wrapper handler is declared to return fdw_handler.
internal Using this a function can accept or returns a server-internal data type.
language_handler Using this a procedural language call handler is declared to return language_handler.
record It identifies a function returning an unspecified row type.
trigger If declared as triggers then it will return trigger.
void It is the indication that the function will not return any value.