Atlas is the fully-managed cloud database service offered by MongoDB. It is developed by the same group of people who have developed MongoDB. Atlas is capable of handling all complexity that comes during the deployment and management of cloud service providers such as AWS, GCP, AZURE. Atlas provides the best in class automation and proven practice that provides the best availability, scalability, and compliance with high data security.

Why MongoDB Atlas?

The following are some of the important features of MongoDB Atlas.

Data Distribution on Multi-Cloud

The Multi-Cloud Data Distribution feature of MongoDB Atlas helps to distribute the user's data across 70+ regions, so with a click of the button, the relevant data is pushed to the local application servers that provide low latency for reading and write operation. It also provides the features for the application team to create the multi-cloud cluster so that the application can connect one or more clouds a the same time.

Mongodb atlas multi cloud

Sensitive Data Security

MongoDB provides the best-in-class built-in security for user's data. With MongoDB Atlas security features the data is secured for authentication, authorization, encryption, for example, MongoDB Atlas clusters are deployed in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with dedicated firewalls so the access should be granted at VPC Peering., the Role-based access management enforces the rules for the user and decides which user or teams can perform a different type of operation, and using Transport layer Security (TLS) protocol the end to end network traffic is encrypted.

Mongodb atlas security

Reliable for Critical Workloads

MongoDB Atlas was developed to provide the distributed fault tolerance in case of failure and perform automated data recovery. MongoDB Atlas offers the 99.995% uptime SLA for all of its cloud service providers.

Mongodb atlas reliable

Scale On-Demand

With a few clicks, the MongoDB Atlas database can scale up and down without having any application downtime. By using Atlas’s native sharding capabilities, the MongoDB Atlas can Scale horizontally across multiple nodes.

Mongodb atlas scale

MongoDB Popularity and Global Rank

According to MongoDB is the 5th most popular and fast-growing database in the world as shown in the below stats.

Mongodb global rank